Dr. Roger Can Come to Your Company!
Get Dr. Roger in front of your top leadership at no cost!
The international best-selling author of:
Invited as a wellness and health expert on every major network with the largest Chiropractic Clinic on the eastern seaboard, Dr. Roger brings a deep and powerful well of experience to every speaking engagement. Having addressed the concerns of companies such as BMW and DHL from the U.S. to remote locations such as Sri Lanka, Dr. Roger brings a level of corporate and human understanding that few in the world have achieved.
This Executive Summary not a sales presentation. It focuses on how your Executive Team can improve their performance and make better decisions for their company through improved happiness and health.
You can get Dr. Roger Sahoury in front of your Executive Team with the typical $5000 speaking engagement fee waived. Find out today how you can get this amazing wellness guru and best-selling author in front of your top leadership by calling this number today…